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Whistleblowing Platform

In order to comply with legal requirements, KULTURFORMAT has set up a new whistleblower system. It is available to all KULTURFORMAT employees and business partners who have received information about grievances or violations of law in their professional environment.

By reporting, you can help uncover serious violations of the law and prevent them in the future. Reports can be submitted anonymously or by name. All data and information are treated as strictly confidential. It should be expressly pointed out that knowingly reporting incorrect information can have legal consequences. The whistleblower system should therefore only be used in good faith and for justified concerns.

Further details and information about the whistleblower system, the reporting process and the protection of the identity of whistleblowers can be found in the FAQ document on the whistleblower system homepage from February 2024.

By clicking on the link below, you will be in the protected whistleblower system. This system is not part of the KULTURFORMAT website.


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